Investing in People and Planet
Interested in donating?
Your tax-deductible donation stay local, improving our Sonoma County community.
Consider making your donation a reoccurring monthly payment.
By opting to make your donation reoccurring, you help provide a stable stream of funding for program operations including, program staff, resources to marginalized and underserved populations, and ecological educational programs for throughout Sonoma County.
Investing in our youth and our environment
Circuit Rider is funded through a combination of grants, fee-for-service contracts, and private donations. In a time when many of our national leaders are pulling back funding for our most under-served youth and environmental efforts, our efforts are needed now more than ever.
$25 pays for a day of meals for Vista youth participants
$100 funds a raised bed garden for a Vista participant for a full year
$500 pays for a month of costs to transport youth to-and-from Vista Academy from their homes
$10,000+ donations funds additional part-time team members for 1-on-1 work with youth participants